Republican Candidate Jessica Sternberg

My name is Jessica Sternberg and I have been a resident of Nottingham since 2004. Growing up here, I have seen how special and unique our community is. I am a graduate of Coe Brown Northwood Academy. Growing up in both communities has left a profound impact on me and has made me into the person that I am today. I am running for state representative to give back to the community that I was raised in.

I previously worked as a Field Organizer for the NH Victory Team, where I knocked nearly 33,00 doors across Rockingham County to support our Republican candidates at both federal and state levels during the 2022 Midterms. I was personally recognized by the State Director for my efforts.

I am currently a graduate student at the University of New Hampshire’s Carsey School of Public Policy, where I am working to earn my Master’s degree in Public Policy. I currently serve as the vice chair of UNH College Republicans and as treasurer of the New Hampshire Federation of College Republicans, where I work to educate and support young Republicans not just at UNH, but across the Granite State.

I am committed to:

Putting families first – I believe in school choice, and that parents have the right to be involved in their child’s education. I will work to protect Education Freedom Accounts and further expand eligibility.

Prioritizing the interests of our community – If elected, I would be your representative, working for Northwood and Nottingham alone. I will not be persuaded or intimidated to follow interests that would harm our communities. I will never stop fighting for you and I will never back down.

Protecting our constitutional rights – The Constitution is the backbone of our nation. I will uphold and protect all constitutional amendments, especially our First and Second Amendments, which are relentlessly under attack.

Keeping NH an affordable place to live – I will work to protect the NH Advantage. I will never support a state Sales Tax or Income Tax. Not now, not ever. If elected, I will work to lower taxes on businesses, especially small businesses, to ensure that they are able to thrive here in the Granite State and not be driven out by high taxes.

Supporting our law enforcement and veterans – Our law enforcement works tirelessly to keep our communities safe. I fully support our law enforcement and would work to support them in protecting our communities by funding them. Like our law enforcement, our veterans who have selflessly served our nation deserve our support as well. In Concord, I would work to fund more resources for our veterans.

I thank you for taking the time to learn more about me and my stances on important issues here in New Hampshire.

I promise to be strong and dedicated to serve the people of Northwood and Nottingham and advocate for you as your state representative in Concord. If you are interested in being updated on my campaign you can follow my Facebook page “Sternberg for New Hampshire”, and if you have any specific questions you can reach out to me via email at and I will gladly answer them.

I kindly ask for your vote in the special election Republican primary on August 1st.

About The Author
