Paul Tudor State Rep Endorses Jim Guzofski



Representative Paul Tudor Rockingham 1 Northwood / Nottingham endorses Jim Guzofski in the Republican Primary Special election on August 1st 2023

These are particularly difficult times for New Hampshire with skyrocketing electricity prices, record inflation, and out of control gas and heating fuel.  We have also experienced the eroding of our personal freedoms and liberties from parental rights in education to intrusive business regulations as we saw play out during the Covid pandemic.

There is one candidate for State representative in Rockingham 1 Northwood Nottingham who will put the people of New Hampshire first, stop government overreach and hold the line on taxes and spending.  That candidate is Jim Guzofski.  As a two term selectmen in Northwood, with 34 years in the ministry he is a conservative Republican who understands we need to bring local values to Concord and to stop the politicians from taking more control over our lives.

I’ve known Jim for several years and observed his strong conservative approach to government in Northwood. He is a minority conservative voice on the very progressive Northwood selectmen board. He’s fought hard to toe the line on taxes and return surplus money back to town residence by using it to reduce town tax rates.

Jim strongly opposes any State income or sales taxes and is a strong steward of the taxpayer’s money. Along with being selectmen he serves as fire department Chaplain responding to many local calls in support of our Emergency responders and Veterans. To quote Jim” The dedication and commitment of our emergency responders is astounding. They need our total support though financial funding and prayer as they deal with life-or-death issues. Our veterans who have already done their service for all of us, need the same type of support.”

Jim supports Freedom of speech, Freedom of religion, and is a strong 2nd amendment advocate opposing any restriction to our second amendment rights,

A seasoned professional with years of public service as a pastor and selectboard member Jim is the person we need to take on the democratic candidate in September. This is a very important special election and could determine control of the house. We need every conservative New Hampshire citizen in Rockingham 1 to come out in support of the Republican agenda by voting for Jim Guzofski.

I urge you to vote for Jim Guzofski for State representative on August 1st, 2023.



The Honorable Paul Tudor
State Representative
Rockingham 1, Northwood / Nottingham

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