Nottingham GOP By-Laws



The name of this organization shall be the Nottingham Republican Committee. Its membership is open to all Republican voters in Nottingham, NH. It is affiliated with, and a part of, the New Hampshire State Republican Committee and the Rockingham County Republican Committee.


In cooperation with the State and County committees, the Nottingham Republican Committee shall manage the affairs of the Republican Party in the Town, work to support Republican candidates who support our values and ideals and work to inform voters of Republican candidates they can support, and perform all the duties required of it by custom and law.


A vacancy in the Executive Committee shall occur if an officer changes his party registration to anything other than Republican, no longer lives in Nottingham, dies, submits a written resignation to the Executive Committee, or is removed.

No fewer than four public meetings shall be held per calendar year. The Chairperson shall be responsible for setting a date for the meetings, and the Secretary shall be responsible for notifying the Executive Committee and the general membership at least five (5) days in advance.


Voting during meetings shall be performed by Members in good standing and who are residents of Nottingham. A member in good standing shall be defined as an individual who attended at least four meetings in the previous calendar year; or someone who has paid dues for at least two meetings.

The amount of the yearly dues is to be determined by the Officers. The Treasurer will be responsible for dues collection and maintaining the Membership list.

During Executive Committee meetings, the Chairperson shall not vote unless to break a tie.


Where not otherwise stated, all meetings shall be governed by the most recent revision of Robert’s Rules of Order. The Committee bylaws shall always take precedence over Robert’s Rules of Order.


Dues are $10 per meeting.

Anyone who is unable to pay the suggested dues may seek a confidential exemption from either the Chairperson or Treasurer.


The officers shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. Officers shall be elected for a two-year term at the first public meeting in April in odd calendar years. All officers must be registered Republicans.


The Chairperson shall be the Chief Executive. The Chairperson shall call Executive Committee meetings no fewer than three times per year at such times as deemed necessary.


The Vice-Chairperson, under the direction of the Chairperson, shall assist the Chairperson in the performance of duties with reference to matters involving the Nottingham Republican Committee. In the absence of the Chairperson, he/she shall preside at all meetings.


The Treasurer shall receive all funds belonging to the Committee, shall keep books of account of all funds received and paid out, and shall pay out funds only by check. He/she shall render proper accounting to the Committee at each meeting thereof, and he/she shall be fully accountable to the Committee for his/her acts as Treasurer.


The Secretary shall keep minutes of all proceedings of the Committee and shall keep and be the custodian of the permanent books and records of the Committee, except the financial records. The Secretary, under the direction of the Chairperson, shall send out invitations to functions, acknowledge communications to the Committee and keep a record of all correspondence having to do with all Committee activities.


The Executive Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the Chairperson and shall consist of the elected officers of the Committee and no more than four (4) At-Large members of the Committee, who shall be appointed by the Chairperson.

The Executive Committee shall have the authority to act for the full membership of the Committee when necessary. The Executive committee shall establish such subcommittees as may become necessary to aid in the work of the organization. The Executive Committee shall maintain liaison with the State and County Republican organizations. The Executive Committee shall propose fund-raising programs for the Committee to earn funds for the support of its work, including the expenditure of funds. The Executive Committee shall remain neutral when promoting Republican candidates who are primaried.


  1. Vacancies in the Executive Committee
  1. Cause and Process for Removal

The Executive Committee, at a regularly scheduled meeting attended by a majority of its members, may remove an Executive Committee member, for sufficient cause, upon an affirmative vote of 75% of its members physically present.

Sufficient cause is defined as excessive absences from meetings, failure to perform the duties of office, any action or failure to act that is illegal, immoral, or negligent, or which has an adverse effect or casts a negative light on the Nottingham Republican Committee, or the Rockingham County Republican Committee or acts against the candidacy of any Republican candidate for office in a general election in an official capacity. Additional sufficient cause is defined as the harassment, bullying, victimization and other actions and behaviors that undermine the Committee’s well-being or any member of it.

A verbal accusation is not sufficient; only a signed, written complaint shall be presented, which clearly details the reasons for the removal.

Any member may be removed from membership for the same reasons specified above upon petition by at least six (6) Members. Petitions shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee, which shall be reviewed before motioning for a vote at its next regular meeting, with a quorum present and a “vote to dismiss” of 75% of the members present.

  1. Filling a Vacancy

If an Executive Committee member is removed from office per the procedure specified above, the Chairperson shall recommend a candidate to fill the position and the full Executive Committee shall vote to confirm that recommendation at their next regular meeting. Additional nominations may be taken from the members at that election.

If the office of Chairperson becomes vacant, it shall be filled on a temporary basis by a vote of the Executive Committee, and the person so selected shall serve until the next biennial election. All other vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the Chairperson and shall serve until the next biennial election.


Ten (10) members in good standing shall be necessary to constitute a quorum at the public meetings. Each member shall have one vote. A majority of those present and voting shall decide any questions, including candidates for office.

A member in good standing shall be defined as an individual who attended at least four meetings in the previous calendar year; or someone who has paid dues for at least two meetings.


A quorum for the Executive Committee and all Sub-committees shall be 50% of the membership of such committee.



The Nottingham Republican Committee shall not endorse any candidate during a primary election. Officers of The Nottingham Republican Committee may not be restricted from working on behalf of the candidate of their choice.


No one can serve as an office of the Nottingham Republican Committee who openly and publicly supports a candidate from another party over a Republican in a partisan election.


These By-Laws may be amended at any public meeting of the Committee by a vote of a majority of the members present and voting provided that written copies of the proposed change or changes shall have been given in the notice of the meeting.


Chairperson: Maureen P Campaiola Date: June 2022