Candidate Statement from Jim Guzofski

Candidate for State Representative

James Guzofski


I regularly get asked my viewpoint, concerning many issue that relate to the concerns of the residences of Northwood and Nottingham. I recently had two questions asked of me that I feel are important to address. I was asked this question in an email and I quote:

“The state pays Nottingham about $4k per year in lieu of property taxes on Pawtuckaway State Park. This figure is calculated on the basis of tax values for undeveloped land. However, significant portions of the park are developed. There’s a large campground, a boat rental facility, a small store, and a large public beach. These facilities earn the state substantial user fees. Meanwhile, Nottingham residents have to pay for fire, ambulance, and search and rescue services. They also have to pay for some of the police services and much of the cost of dealing with invasive species. Meanwhile, Nottingham residents have no influence over how well boaters are policed on the lake. Do you feel that this is fair? If not, what legislation or other efforts would you pursue to address the situation?”

My short answer is – No, I do not feel this is fair. I will admit that I am not well versed on this situation. I would like to hear from those concerned residences and what they feel some possible solutions could be. From a practical point of view, I would involve emergency services and the selectboard. I would seek their input and what they feel would be a course of action. Once I received all this input, I would take a plan of action to the appropriate state departments in order to help bring a solution to this issue.


The second question that was emailed to me and I quote:

“Under state law there’s no provision for removing selectmen from office. Unlike Budget Committee members (RSA 32:15 VI), they cannot even be removed for non-attendance. Do you approve of state law on this matter as it now stands, or would you act to have the law changed? If so, what changes would you pursue?”

My short answer is – Yes. I support the state law as it stands. The RSA to remove a Budget Committee member states: “A member-at-large shall cease to hold office immediately upon missing 4 consecutive scheduled or announced meetings of which that member received reasonable notice, without being excused by the chair.” We have opportunity each year to remove or select our town officials at our town elections which reflect the will of the people. I believe in allowing our elections to remove those who we feel are not serving our community well.

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