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Category: State House News

Paul Tudor State Rep Endorses Jim Guzofski

PRESS RELEASE   Representative Paul Tudor Rockingham 1 Northwood / Nottingham endorses Jim Guzofski in the Republican Primary Special election on August 1st 2023 These are particularly difficult times for New Hampshire with skyrocketing electricity prices, record inflation, and out of control gas and heating fuel.  We have also experienced the eroding of our personal freedoms and liberties from parental rights in education to intrusive business regulations as we saw play out during the Covid pandemic. There is one candidate for State representative in Rockingham 1 Northwood Nottingham who will put the people of New Hampshire first, stop government overreach …

Republican Candidate James Guzofski

Special Election for Northwood and Nottingham Primary August 1, 2023 Why I am running to be your State Representative My name is Jim Guzofski and I am seeking your vote in order to represent you as your State Representative in the special election primary being held on August 1st. I want to share some brief points about why I am running. I am a Tried and Proven Leader I have been elected twice to the office of selectman in Northwood. I have been in ministry for 34 years and have served in various capacities, including planting and pastoring churches. I …

Republican Candidate Jessica Sternberg

My name is Jessica Sternberg and I have been a resident of Nottingham since 2004. Growing up here, I have seen how special and unique our community is. I am a graduate of Coe Brown Northwood Academy. Growing up in both communities has left a profound impact on me and has made me into the person that I am today. I am running for state representative to give back to the community that I was raised in. I previously worked as a Field Organizer for the NH Victory Team, where I knocked nearly 33,00 doors across Rockingham County to support …