Northwood By Laws

Northwood Republican Town Committee By-Laws


The name of this committee shall be known as the Northwood Republican Town Committee.


Section 1. Local Committee

To maintain and function as a local body of citizens for the expressed purpose of communicating and promoting conservative principles in the town of Northwood, NH.

Section 2. Propagate

To actively promote and recruit other citizens of Northwood for the purpose of establishing conservative principles within all areas of our community.


Section 1. Attendees

Attendees/attendance is on a completely volunteer basis. Attendees will be asked to follow basic decency and courtesy guidelines while attending the meetings as in to speak and act in an orderly fashion.

Section 2. Financial Obligations

There is no financial obligation levied upon those who attend the meetings. Attendees are encouraged to participate in fund raising efforts along with giving a free-will offering at their choosing.

Section 3. Participation

Attendees are asked to participate and volunteer in various activities as deemed necessary at various times throughout the year. This may involve passing out flyers – helping out during a fund-raising event – etc. We seek to involve as many people as possible for the purpose of communicating and promoting our conservative values throughout our community.

Section 4. Time and Place

The meeting’s time and place will be established on necessity as deemed by the Chair.

Section 5. Voting

Voting during meetings shall be performed by members in good standing who are residents of Northwood. A member in good standing shall be defined as an individual who attended at least four meetings in the previous year.


Section 1. Officers

The officers shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice- Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. Officers shall be elected for a one year term at the first public meeting in January. All officers must be registered Republicans.

A. Chair
1. Shall be in charge of conducting each meeting.
2. Shall present the agenda for each meeting.

B. Vice-Chair
1. The Vice-Chairperson, under the direction of the Chairperson, shall assist the Chairperson in the performance of duties with reference to matters involving the Northwood Republican Town Committee.
2. In the absence of the Chairperson, he/she shall preside at all meetings.

C. Secretary
1. Shall keep the minutes of each committee meeting
2. Shall keep a record of attendance of all who attended each meeting
3. Shall be the custodian of all legal documents
4. Shall file any and all legally necessary documents with the town, state or federal entities.
5. Shall store any and all appropriate necessary documents

D. Treasurer
1. Shall be entrusted with all the finances of the committee
2. Shall deposit all funds in federally insured accounts in the name of the committee
3. Shall disburse all the funds necessary for the committee
4. Shall keep an itemized account of disbursements, and shall present a financial report at each meeting
5. Shall be the custodian of all the financial records of the committee

E. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the Chairperson and shall consist of the elected officers of the Committee and no more than four(4) At-Large members of the Committee, who shall be appointed by the Chairperson. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to act for the full membership of the Committee when necessary. The Executive committee shall establish such subcommittees as may become necessary to aid in the work of the organization. The Executive Committee shall propose fund-raising programs for the Committee to earn funds for the support of its work, including the expenditure of funds.

D. Positions
1. These positions may be held by the same person if necessary due to: (a) Lack of a qualified person to fill a position (b) Lack of a volunteer to fill a position

F. Removals, Vacancies and resignations
1. Vacancies in the Executive Committee
2. Cause and Process for Removal – The Executive Committee, at a regularly scheduled meeting attended by a majority of its members, may remove an Executive Committee member, for sufficient cause, upon an affirmative vote of 75% of its members physically present. Sufficient cause is defined as excessive absences from meetings, failure to perform the duties of office, any action or failure to act that is illegal or negligent. A verbal accusation is not sufficient; only a signed, written complaint shall be presented, which clearly details the reasons for the removal. Any member may be removed from membership for the same reasons specified above upon petition by at least six (6) Members. Petitions shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee, which shall be reviewed before motioning for a vote at its next regular meeting, with a quorum present and a “vote to dismiss” of 75% of the members present.

3. Filling a Vacancy – If an Executive Committee member is removed from office per the procedure specified above, the Chairperson shall recommend a candidate to fill the position and the full Executive committee shall vote to confirm that recommendation at their next regular meeting. Additional nominations may be taken from the members at that election. If the office of Chairperson becomes vacant, it shall be filled on a temporary basis by a vote of the Executive Committee, and the person so selected shall serve until the next election. All other vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the Chairperson and shall serve until the next election.


Section 1. Date

Elections of officers shall be held on a yearly basis at the first public meeting of each year in which a minimum of 4 members are present. In the event that the first public meeting is cancelled or does not have the 4 member minimum in attendance, the election of officers shall  be held at the next following meeting.

Section 2. Candidates

The candidates for election must be active participants of the Northwood Republican TownCommittee. They must be a member in good standing.

Section 3. Quorum Public Meetings

A majority vote is required of those members in good standing who are present for a candidate to be elected to an office. A member in good standing shall be defined as an individual who attended at least four meetings in the previous year.

Section 4. Quorum Executive Council Meetings

A quorum for the Executive Committee and all Sub- committees shall be 50% of themembership of such committee.

Section 5 Support for Candidates

A committee member is allowed to make a motion to support a particular candidate in a primary race. After a second to the motion, the committee membership in good standing will vote. If the motion passes with a majority vote, the committee shall come out in support of said candidate. Officers of Northwood Republican Town Committee and Executive Council may not be restricted from working on behalf of the candidate of their choice. No one can serve as an officer of the Northwood Republican Town Committee who openly and publicly supports a
candidate from another party over a Republican in a partisan election.


Section 1. Amendments to the by-laws

These By-Laws may be amended at any public meeting of the Committee by a vote of a majority of the members in good standing present and voting provided that written copies of the proposed change or changes shall have been given within two weeks notice of the meeting.


Section 1. Dissolution

Upon the dissolution of the Northwood Republican Town Committee, none of its funds or assets(of any form) shall be distributed to any of its officers, group members, or any other individual. The officers shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities of this origination, dispose of all of the funds and assets of this organization by conveying them to another republican committee or republican group of its choosing that is in line with the purpose of this organization as defined in Article II of these By-laws.



Cheryl Dean

Chairman Signature