Tommy Flanagan Accepts Nottingham GOP Scholarship

Pictured is Nottingham GOP Scholarship recipient Tommy Flanagan, with Al Bershtein (l), Treasurer and Chairwoman, Maureen Campaiola (r) Last night at our regularly scheduled meeting Tommy Flanagan, a 2023 graduate from Coe Brown and this year’s recipient of the Nottingham GOP Scholarship, accepted the award. We wish Tommy well as he continues his education in the fall at Lasell University in Massachusetts, studying Data Analytics and committing to playing baseball for the school. …

Paul Tudor State Rep Endorses Jim Guzofski

PRESS RELEASE   Representative Paul Tudor Rockingham 1 Northwood / Nottingham endorses Jim Guzofski in the Republican Primary Special election on August 1st 2023 These are particularly difficult times for New Hampshire with skyrocketing electricity prices, record inflation, and out of control gas and heating fuel.  We have also experienced the eroding of our personal freedoms and liberties from parental rights in education to intrusive business regulations as we saw play out during the Covid pandemic. There is one candidate for State representative in Rockingham 1 Northwood Nottingham who will put the people of New Hampshire first, stop government overreach …

Happy Independence Day

July 4th,1776, the Second Continental Congress unanimously adopted the Declaration of Independence. July 4th, 2023, will mark 246 years since that great achievement.  The tradition of setting off fireworks in celebration of this country’s independence from Great Britain began in Philadelphia in 1777. What caused nationwide celebrations that have endured to this day? If you remember your U. S. History,  freedom and “ WE the People” should come to mind. After New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the Constitution on June 21, 1788, the First Federal Congress convened March 4, 1789. The Senate passed its first bill on …